
Monday, July 21, 2014

What do you do in the summer time?

Helping Carin into her dress in the woods.

Daniel and I love to bike

We also bought this guy.

Meet Mobi

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer loving

Love these things. I offered them to my co worker the other day and she said that she only ate them covered in sugar. Crazy lady, this IS mother's nature's sugar.

The Gray wedding, it was actually quite bright.

This is what summer is for.

This cutie kept trying to climb the ladder behind me to help pick cherries.

This bugger wasn't concerned about picking cherries, just digging up my dead cherry tree.

I made 21 of these boutineers.

Some of the last, delicious peas.

The fruits of our labors

Jade decided that the best way to ride a skateboard is on your belly. Right into the wall.

This girl loves parades.