For Halloween, Daniel wanted to be Link (from the popular video game Zelda). I wanted to do something that would match, but didn't want to be the traditional Zelda (too much effort to get a dress together and try and figure out the long hair thing). So we decided to be Link and Tetra (the pirate version of Zelda from Zelda Wind Waker). Most people who saw me thought I was a pirate, which, technically, I was. When Daniel wore his outfit on campus on Friday most people identified him as Peter Pan-- although I don't know how they thought he got such an amazing shield.
We also took Jade and Jonathan trick or treating around my work place. Jade would timidly go up to each bowl of candy and ask if she could have one. Then she would say "I like this candy!" She got really excited about all of the fake spider webs that were hanging and talked about how scary it was.
I made this for my work party. Too ad no one ate any of it. |
Jade loved the pumpkins. |