
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Like a kid in a candy shop

Daniel and I recently went to Hobby Lobby (remember how I am sewing those quiet books? well, I needed some felt). For the first twenty minutes Daniel kept complaining about how inappropriately the store was named. We would pass by aisle after aisle of crafting or home furnishings.

Daniel: where are all the model airplanes or toy cars? when someone asks me what my hobby is, I think cross country skiing or guitar, not crafts.
Me: Well what else would they name it, crafy lafty?
Daniel: Yeah, sure

And then we reached it. The motherload of fun do-it-yourself science toys.

That's right, a dual stage taser twin model rocket

One day we will see one of these blast off for real

Another conversation that occurred in the store.
Me: Daniel, what are you going to get me for Valentine's day?
Daniel: How about a teddy bear as big as myself?
Me: No, also, not possible, that would be huge
Daniel: How about a teddy bear as large as you?
Me: Still, no thanks
- a couple minutes later -
Daniel: How about THAT?! *see picture*

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